Saturday, June 03, 2006

DAY 1 - The Journey Begins

Hacienda of Hope 2006
Today around 1:30 pm Amanda & Ashley depart Pensacola Regional airport for Quito Ecuador. They are heading to the Hacienda of Hope along with about 20 other FCC family members. They both had such a great time last year and are really excited about getting to the home and seeing the kids again. Please keep the girls and they entire team in your prayers.
Father your love is perfect and your grace sufficient for all things yet I confess that a small part of me struggles to let go of the control that I never really have had over the girls. Father I ask that you would watchover and protect the girls and the mission team. Help them to honor and glorify you in all they do. Protect them as they advance your kingdom in Ecuador. In the name of Jesus, I pray, AMEN.


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