Tuesday, September 22, 2009

More Transformations

"The way of the Creative works through change and transformation, so that each thing receives its true nature and destiny and comes into permanent accord with the Great Harmony: this is what furthers and what perseveres." - Alexander Pope
Well, Tammy and I continue to enjoy watching a small portion of the created world that surrounds us. Our latest treat has come from watching some Gulf Fritillary and Cloudless Sulphur butterfly's lay their eggs on their specific host plants, Passion Vine and Cassia Bush respectively, and then see the caterpillars emerge.
Gulf Fritillary (about 2 inches in length)
Gulf Fritillary's (about 0.5 inches in length)
Cloudless Suplhur
(Caterpillar and chrysalis)
It is sad in some respects that caterpillars live out their lives never knowing, realizing or considering the beautifully transformed being that they were created to be. How terribly wonderful is the gift God has given to man; to choose how he wants to live out his life in this world, to consider his life after his journey in this world ends, and the freedom to be transformed at any point in ones life by a choice.
Grace & Peace


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