Tuesday 6:30AM
As I watch & listen to the news coverage I continue to be amazed at the level of the damage. I have been listening to WWL 870AM out of New Orleans and I hear the same conversations that I heard about a year ago on our own 1370AM after Ivan the major difference beign the magnitude. I listened to Jefferson Parish president Arron Broussard talk on 870AM this morning. He is hoping to open up the parish by Monday the 5th at 0600. All those returning will have to be self-sufficent upon there return. Water, food, gas, shelter, tools, waste disposal, etc.
I-10 East - major damage
I-10 West - major flooding & damage
Crescent City connection to the West Bank Expressway to Hwy-90 to Baton Rouge is the only wat out of New Orleans.
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