DAY 3 - Where in the world is Tubacunda
"God doesn't require us to succeed; He only requires that you try."
"I want you to be concerned about your neighbor. Do you know your neighbors name?"
-Mother Theresa of Calcutta

The Hacienda of Hope is located outside of the small town near the equator called Tabacunda (0.0500 degrees latitude, -78.2000 degress longitude) which is to the northeast of the capital Quito. Nearby is a mountain called Cayambe which is over 18,900 feet in elevation. From what I can gather from the Internet the river basin between Cayambe and Tabacundo is one of the largest producers of greenhouse cut flowers in the world. From reading it would also appear that the current usage of pesticides is controversial.
FYI - I do not expect to hear from the girls until Saturday when they get back in to Quito.
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