Monday, June 11, 2007

Intriguing Thoughts

I was reading about Shane Clairborne on the Simple Way web site and came across a quote by Tony Campolo that really intrigued me and made me pause and meditate on it.
"Even if there were no heaven and there were no hell would you still follow Jesus? Would you follow Him for the life, joy and fullfilment He gives you right now?"

Now before you answer the question take a few minutes and ponder the breadth and depth of the question and more importantly your answer. After meditating over your answer consider a comment that followed the above quote.

"...Jesus came not to not just to prepare us to die but to teach us how to live. Otherwise much of Jesus's wisdom would prove quite unneccessary for the afterlife. Afterall, how hard could it be to love our enemies in heaven."

Again, consider the comment and your reaction to it.

As a follower of Jesus Christ and a believer in His teachings I ask myself what kind of life has He called me to live and more importantly am I living it out in my daily life?


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