Sunday, March 08, 2009

No Arms, No Legs, No Worries

"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." Phillipians 4:13

"Do not put off the things you can do today!" - Nick Vujicic

What would you do if your child was born without arms, or legs? Just the mere question is frightful enough to me and yet I saw a video clip this morning during services about a young man, Nick Vujicic, and the ministry he has been called to. The sharing of a message of hope and love through Jesus Christ. Nick was born in 1982 and to the surprise of his parents and the doctors attending to his birth Nick was born without arms or legs. His story is quite interesting, inspriring and motivating. There are several good videos on YouTube concerning Nick and his ministries website is which has more details about his story.

So when you see someone with tremendous physical handicaps who has choosen to live out their life to the fullest, someone who has dared to dream big, and who has worked as hard as they are physically able to do so...........all I can do is ask myself a couple of questions....

"What am I complaining about?"

"Am I living out my life fully for God?"

Grace & Peace


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