Saturday, September 03, 2005

Saturday 0645

Well, it has certainly been an incredible week in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. The outpouring of all forms of aid and assistance has been unprecedented and will continue to set records. The devestation of the Gulf Coast is unprecedented and the ripple effects of the storm continue to race across the Southeast. Just look at the graphic depicting the loss of power following the storm. (Move your cursor off & on the image to make it change.) There also some animated before & after graphics as well.

Work has been very busy as Eglin coordinates their contribution, a 1,000 bed refugee camp and two 250 bed emergency hospitals, to the overall reflief effort. It has amazed me though how so many people around me watch the news and go about their normal lives seemingly viewing this disaster


At 6:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried to get a hold of you yesterday>>will try again today>> made my RC contrib>> doesn't feel like near enough gs


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