Thursday, March 08, 2007

Ready or Not

At work someone forward a presentation created by a Mr. Karl Fisch, an educator for Araphahoe High School in Littleton, Co. He maintains an interesting blog,, the purpose of which is to help "staff development on the topics of constructivism and the use of technology to foster student-centered classrooms." The presentation forwarded around my work was titled "Did You Know",, and focused on the global environment our children are growing up in and the future they are being educated to participate in. I found his three presentations extremely thought provoking at many levels. As an parent, a US citizen, an employee and most importantly as a Christian.

"We are currently preparing students for jobs that don't exist yet...
using technologies that haven't been invented yet...
in order to solve problems we don't even know are problems yet."

I also find it very troublesome when I hear educators I am friends with talk about the environments they are currently work in within the public school arena. So many children, it seems, don't stand a chance in the fast changing, technology centered, knowledge oriented, lifetime of learning, global economy they will be participants in whether they are ready or not.


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