Sunday, March 29, 2015

Easter Week 2015

Today Christians around the world celebrated Palm Sunday and the beginning of "Holy Week".  The events of this celebrated week which occurred almost 2,000 years ago have laid the foundation for the Christian faith. It can be quite easy to get caught up and distracted by the beautiful Spring weather, March Madness, Spring Break, or a myriad of other things in our lives and not pause and reflect upon the events celebrated this week. I encourage everyone to take some time each day this week and think about the Jesus and what he went through each day of that week.
Palm Sunday
Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. John 12:12+
Jesus weeps over Jerusalem and cleanses the temple. Matt 21:12+
Taught about faith. Judas bargains with the Sanhedrin. Matt 21:23+
No recorded activities.
Passover is celebrated. The Lord's supper instituted. Matt 26:20+
Jesus is tried, convicted, crucified and buried. Matt 27:1+
Jesus' tomb is sealed by the Roman Guards
Jesus rises from the grave and makes 5 recorded appearances. Matt 28:1+
He is Risen!


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