Saturday, February 26, 2005

I like Newt

I was watching CSPAN this morning and was able to listen to Newt Gingrich speak to "America in the 21st Century" at the American Enterprise Institute, . I truly enjoy listening to him speak. I know that Speaker Gingrich can have a polarizing effect on people when they hear his name mentioned but if you read his writings and listen to the words he is speaking he puts forth very sound ideas and has a great vision for America.

In his book "Winning the Future: A 21st Century Contact with America" the first chapter ends with the section titled "Our Creator in the Capital: A Walking Tour of God in Washington, D.C." which is a very good read. He explains what to look for at the National Archive, Washington Monument, The Jefferson Memorial, The Lincoln Memorial, The Capital Building, The Supreme Court, etc. His web site, , has a link on the front page that will allow you to receive via e-mail this first chapter.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

First Memories

What is your earliest memory of church?

I got thinking yesterday about my early childhood and started wondering what was my earliest memory of various people and events. One of the first things I started thinking about was my first memories of God and church. The earliest memories I have of church was the crucifix hanging over the alter at the Catholic church my family attended in St Petersburg Florida. I was probably 4 years old at the time.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Americas return to space ?

I was glad to see that NASA has scheduled a May 2005 launch window for a shutle mission. STS-114 Return to Flight missions.

I still remember fondly watching the Apollo missions as a young child. I had a telescope, I built the scale models, got into launching model rockets and I loved reading science fiction stories about space travel & colinization. I honestly thought by now America would have established a permanent lunar colony and would have a space station in in place at one of the Lagrange points.

Maybe the next couple of decades will see my childhood visions come true.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Valentine's Day Thought

For God so loVed the world,
That He gAve
His onLy
That whosever
Believeth In Him
Should Not perish,
But have Everlasting life."
John 3:16

Ivan's Impact Continues

People all throughout the Escambia & Santa Rosa County areas continue to cope with and recover from hurricane Ivan. Though our home was spared significant damage relative to many of our friends I am still in the process of getting my home reapaired and back to "normal".

People still in need of roofing repairs;

I know of one family who still hasn't settled with their insurance company. In fact they haven't gotten a penny towards repairs yet.

Around the area many families are still living in FEMA provided travel trailers while their homes are repaired.

When you drive around most undeveloped wooded areas look terrible because of te number of dead & dying trees.


Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Gulf Breeze Soccer Update - Heartbreaker

The Gulf Breeze girls soccer team lost last night to Leon HS in the Regional Semi-Final match at Dolphin stadium. The final score was 2-1 with Leon scoring the winning goal in the last 35 seconds of sudden death overtime.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Gulf Breeze Girls Soccer Update

Last night the GBHS girls varsity soccer team beat Tate HS 3-0 and advanced to the Regional Semi-Final match. Next Tuesday night GBHS will take on Leon HS from Tallahassee. Last year if memory serves me correctly Leon beat GBHS in the Regional Semi-Final match in sudden death penalty kicks.