Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January 2015

"Count your blessings, name them one by one.
Count your blessings, see what God has done."
The New Years Eve celebration seems like ancient history as I type today. January 2015 is just about over and I find myself reflecting upon the first month of 2015 as I look at my monthly calendar/planner and I praise God!
     Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
I was blessed to be able to start out the New Year surrounded by friends and family at my in-laws home in Metairie, La.
I was blessed with the chance to reconnect with an old friend I found via LinkedIn and I look forward to catching up with him in the weeks to come.
I was blessed with the opportunity to attend a conference with a mentor and friend to hear John Maxwell and Nick Vujicic speak about personal growth and fulfilling ones God given purpose.
I was blessed with the chance to listen to and pray with a woman from church whose adult daughter and son-in-law have moved in with her as the daughter grapples with addiction issues.
I was blessed by the time spent with Tammy as we watched American Sniper and I was reminded of the challenges faced by thousands of veterans as they work through their PTSD issues.
I was blessed with the opportunity to start and lead a new small group at FCC in a study of the book Ecclesiastes.
I was blessed by a friend who trusted me enough to share with me that her college aged daughter was recently raped and how she was so frustrated and angry.
I was blessed with a wonderfully cool, clear, and sunny Saturday that I spent with Tammy riding along 30A enjoying a small slice of Gods creation.
I was blessed on multiple occasions by sharing a meal with Tammy and friends while talking about life and family.
I was blessed by several visits with my parents who are living out their marriage vows in a very beautiful way.
I was blessed by the time Tammy and I were able to spend with several of our nieces and nephews as we continue to watch them grow and mature.
You may notice a trend in my comments about January 2015 and I do sincerely mean it when I call each instance a blessing. The few blessings I listed above do not even scratch the surface of how blessed I am and I praise my God for each and every one. I also continue my prayer for wisdom, strength and courage to find ways to bless others.
Grace & Peace