Thursday, October 22, 2009

Backyard Nature Adventure

"Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books." - John Lubbock
"For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver." - Martin Luther
The young Great Blue Heron stalking its prey.
Target acquired, locked on, preparing to strike.
Target neutralized. Time to snack!
(Yes that is a 10-12" snake in its bill.)
When I pulled into my driveway this evening after work I noticed a Great Blue Heron walking around. I watched it for the next 45 minutes as it stalked, caught, and ate 5 snakes from our backyard. Pretty enjoyable to watch such a large bird move so slowly and deliberately as it stalked its prey.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Who Could Have Imagined......

"What the world is to-day, good and bad, it owes to Gutenberg. Everything can be traced to this source, but we are bound to bring him homage, for what he said in dreams to the angered angel has been literally fulfilled, for the bad that his colossal invention has brought about is overshadowed a thousand times by the good with which mankind has been favored. Yours very truly, Mark Twain"
Gutenberg bible page
Have you ever noticed that sometimes things happen so slowly that you don't even notice them happening. I woke up one morning and wondered where the extra 30 lbs of weight came from, why my hair was gray, and when did my daughters grow up. The worlds history has a way of unfolding this same way but on a much grander scale.
250 years ago (1759 A.D.) The United States did not exist.
500 years ago (1509 A.D.) Printed Gutenburg bibles were only about 50 years old
750 years ago (1259 A.D.).. St Thomas Acquinas had yet to start writing the "Summa Theologica" or Summary of Theology.
1,000 years ago (1009 A.D.)..Gunpowder was invented in China.
Around 1009 A.D.
-Christians were an estimated 18% of the worlds population.
-Illiteracy rates are estimated to have been in the 98-99 percentile.
-The bible as we know it was reproduced by hand.
While the Gospel of Christ has not changed over the past 2,000 years the worlds culture, technology, and geo-political balance has certainly changed.
Do you think that Gutenburg envisioned that his printing press technology would eventually allow the bible to be made so readily available?
Do you think that Thomas Aquinas thought his writings would be studied 750 years after his death?
Do you ever wonder what the local Christian church will look like after another 100, 250, or 500 years of changing technology, culture and political power?
Looking back over mans history tends to make me optimistic about our future. At least over over the long run.
Grace & Peace

Monday, October 05, 2009

Memorable Toys, Hobbies and Other Life Experiences………

“Our whole life is but a greater and longer childhood” - Benjamin Franklin
A couple Sunday’s ago my interest in astronomy got rekindled when I was over at a friend’s house and he setup his two telescopes in his backyard. I thoroughly enjoyed looking at Jupiter and several of its moons along with a nebula or two. Flashback to the late 60's and 70’s….I started thinking about toys, hobbies and experiences that I had growing up and started jotting down a few of my favorites and about when I first recall experiencing them.

Library Card (1967/68) - Yes, I loved books from a very young age.
Tinkertoys (1968/69) - Fun to build with.
Lincoln Logs (1968/69) - Fun, but limited to log cabins and forts.
Lego’s (1968/69) - My all time favorite building toy.
Plastic models (1968/69) - Fun to build, fun to blow up!
Chess (1968/69) - Started a life long enjoyment of the game.
My dog “Boomerang” (1968/69) – nuf said.
Erector Set (early 70’s) - Lots, of fun, lots of sharp edges.
Bicycle (early 70’s) – Freedom or at least the illusion of freedom.
5in Newtonian Telescope (early 70’s) – Hours staring into space!
Little League Baseball (early 70’s) – Loved playing second base!
Basketball (early 70’s) – Loved playing point guard.
Balsawood models (early-mid 70’s) – Fun to build, fun to burn up!
Kennedy Space Center (early-mid 70’s) – nuf said!
Blue Angles (early-mid 70’s) – F-4 Phantoms...awesome.
Estes Model Rockets (early-mid 70’s) – Build, launch and recover.......
Radio Shack 100-1 Electronics Kit (early-mid 70’s) - Basic electronics!
Microscope (early-mid 70's) - Insects are cool up close.
Trumpet (1973/74) – First concert band experience.
Board war games/simulations (early-mid 70’s) – Thinking strategically!
Chemistry Set (1975/76) - Fun, never blew up anything. :-(
YMCA Swimming Instructor/Assistant (1975/76) - Loved swimming and helping teach!
Walt Disney World (1975/76) – E-Ticket rides!
Baritone (1975/76) – Switched because I got braces.
10-Speed Bicycle (1975/76) – More freedom!
Personal Computers (1979) – Ohio Scientific Instruments & TRS-80's.
Bass Trombone (1979/80) – My favorite musical instrument to play.
Marching Band (1979/81) – Band geek.
Jazz Band (1979/80) - Maynard Ferguson, Chuck Mangione, The Crusaders......
YMCA Swimming Instructor/Lifeguard (1978-81) – First job and first job at supervising!
Soccer (1980/81) – Slide tackles in the rain & mud.
Grace & Peace