"Liberty, according to my metaphysics is a self-determining power in an intellectual agent. It implies thought and choice and power." - John Adams"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. " John AdamsThese day's you can't escape the main stream medias coverage of the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election. Much is being made of the
Obama vs
McCain race and the supposed impact on our nation by our choice of the next President. It is really pretty humourous, in a sad way, when you listen to the political pundits talk. You would think that the entire well being and future of our nation rests on the shoulders of the next President of the United States who will solve our economic problems, improve our healthcare system, achieve world peace and solve the "global warming" problem within his 4 year term. I wish every voter would read Article II of the
U.S. Constitution and understand what our President is constitutional empowered to do. Then read Article I, concerning the constitutional duties of the legislature, you may just be surprised.
While, I understand the tremendous impact of leadership on a nation and I am reminded that our founding fathers were very wise such that through the Constitiution clear lines of demarcation of power were established so that the President would not be so powerful that he would be like a King. As citizens we must not allow our elected legislative body to abdicate their constitutional duties and allow our President act as a King.
Yes, our nations well being rests on the shoulders of the President, but also the Vice-President, 100 Senators, 435 Representatives, and over 304,000,000 citizens through the numerous individual choices we all make each and every day.
On the local political front and friend is running for Santa Rosa County Sheriff. Good luck Robert!
And if you have not registered to vote I highly encourage you to do so!