Did you notice God today?
Did you recognize Gods presence today?
Did you appreciate your interaction with Gods creation today?
Did you reflect on the fact that you are created in God's image?
Did you talk with God today?
Now go back and read each of the above questions one more time pausing to reflect momentarily on each question. It is so terribly easy to allow the habits, routines and traditions of our lives rule over us. How many times have you gone about your day and never contemplated one much less all of the questions above? How many days have you woken up to a new day and allowed yourself to be a unthinking slave to your routines? Are we unthinking robots following our programming or are we are wonderfully created beings with a free will and the ability to choose?
Now ask yourself the following questions which are very similar to the original questions above but which ask a potentially more important question. Why?
Why did/didn't you notice God today?
Why did/didn't you recognize Gods presence today?
Why did/didn't you appreciate your interaction with Gods creation today?
Why did/didn't you reflect on the fact that you are created in God's image?
Why did/didn't you talk with God today?
Grace & Peace