Passion Week 2010
"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell." - C.S. Lewis
It is hard to imagine that 2010 is almost a quarter of the way through and that Easter is just around the corner. Not to trivialize anything but thus far 2010 has been filled with quite a bit of stuff. A major earthquake in Haiti that to date has killed between 92,000 and 250,000 people. A major earthquake in Chile that has killed an estimated 350 people. The "healthcare" debate and subsequent passage by the U.S. Senate, House and President. The U.S. economy struggling to stabilize in the midst of a global recession/depression and a multitude of other "big issues". On a more personal level I have had family and friends battle illness, divorce, sin, dsyfunctional families and the loss of jobs. Whew!
I am however filled with hope and joy as I contemplate the meaning behind the Easter season. Starting today many Christians will begin to remember and contemplate the "Passion Week" and be reminded of the entire basis of our faith; the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Friday - Jesus arrives in Bethany
Saturday - Sabbath "day of rest"
Palm Sunday - Jesus enters Jerusalem
Monday - Jesus clears the Temple
Tuesday - Jesus talks
Wednesday - unknown
Holy Thursday - Passover "Last Supper",prayer & arrest
Good Friday - Crucifixion
Saturday - Sabbath "day of rest"
Easter Sunday - Resurrection
I plan to read the gospel of Mark chapters 14, 15 and 16 today. I hope that you find a way today and throughout this week to remind yourself of the basis of your faith and your beliefs.
Grace & Peace