Advent Season 2010
advent wreath
Thanksgiving Day has come and gone and we get to enjoy the leftovers for a few more days. College footballs regular season is over with conference championships and bowl games to be played and enjoyed over the next few weeks. Black Friday sales were pursued by many helping shoppers with gifts and presents to be enjoyed over the next months and years. Yes, the Holiday Season is upon us.
Advent Season has also come, it starts today. The word advent is based on the Latin word adventus meaning "arrival" or "approach". The Advent Season is a time, a four week window leading up to Christmas Day, when Christians focus on the arrival of Christ through His birth in Bethlehem. Christians in many traditions are also reminded of His anticipated second arrival. (aka the Second Coming of Christ) and the eternal consequences facing believers and non-believers.
The Advent Conspiracy was an idea which has turned into a movement of sorts. It was started in 2006 by five pastors whose desire was to help people in their communities do four things;
Worship Fully
Spend Less
Give More
Love All
Not a bad thing to consider as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ.
Grace & Peace