Sunday, September 11, 2011


H A P P Y    B I R T H D A Y    T A M M Y 
"Looks is a heap more important than brains because most men can see a lot better than they can think." 
Tammy Tarleton in Tammy and the Millionaire (1967)
Proud parents (1964)
Strike the pose (1965)
Tammy and her girls (2011)
Happy birthday my love!

Remembering 9/11

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”
Albert Einstein
Ten years ago today approximately 3,000 people lost there lives in the attacks carried out in America.  It was a very significant day for people individually, for our nation and for the world as a whole.  I am reminded of several things as I reflect upon the events of that day and the past ten years.

The heroism of the individual. People doing what what they needed to do to survive as well as helping those around them as best as they could.

The unity of our nation.  While the U.S. is a very diverse nation the unity and resolve seen in the days, months and years following the 9/11 attacks is still an amazing thing to me.

The power of leadership.  Regardless of politics, in times of crisis and disaster, people want to be lead by a strong decisive leader.  I am grateful for President Bush and all those in leadership on that fateful day and the years to follow.

The uncertainty of life.  For the nearly 3,000 people who died on 9/11 I doubt that few if any woke up and thought "today is the last day of my life".  We all must fight against complancency and ingratitude in our daily lives and constantly appreciate and give thanks for every moment we share with loved ones.

Grace & Peace

Monday, September 05, 2011

H A P P Y - B I R T H D A Y !!!

Happy Birthday Panda!
You have been such a blessing and a joy to your mother and I.
Happy Birthday!
Love Dad