Thanksgiving Weekend 2011
"Having someplace to go is home. Having someone to love is family. Having both is a blessing." - Unknown
My happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family. –Thomas Jefferson
The past couple of weeks have been quite enjoyable as Tammy and I have been able to spend quite a bit of time with family and friends. Dave & Yvette drove over from Kenner, La to spend last weekend with us. Thanksgiving Day we had most of my family over and on Friday some of Tammy's family came over to watch the LSU vs. Arkansas football game.
Clarence, Tammy, Yvette and Dave
(11/13/11 @ Hemingway's on Pensacola Beach)
Amanda, Grandpa S, Grandma S and Ashley
11/24/11 on the deck @ 1 Acre Wood)
Jackie, Red, Clarence and Carol
(11/24/11the grandparents table)
Tammy, Amanda and Ashley
The family time continues this coming weekend as Tammy and I head to Walt Disney World with Connie, Jimmy and the kids for a Christmas vacation.
Grace & Peace