Memorial Day 2014
Memorial Day Thoughts
“Not only are they commemorated by columns and inscriptions, but there dwells also an unwritten memorial of them, graven not on stone but in the hearts of men.” - Pericles
From 1775 to the present, men and women of the United States of America have answered their country's call to service. Many of those who served gave the ultimate sacrifice, their life. Others returned carrying with them the physical and emotional scars of their service and others were declare Missing in Action (MIA). To date, estimates place U.S casualties as follows;
KIA 848,000+
Killed 433,000+
MIA 38,000+
Wounded 1,531,000+
Regardless of one's politics, religious beliefs, moral view on war, or any other subjective criteria I believe that all U.S. citizens should be able to agree that in times of conflict our nation has respond and when that happens people bear the consequences and their sacrifices should be honored.
One way those who have fallen are honored by our nation is through the efforts of the American Battlefield Monument Commission (ABMC). This group is charged with being the "guardian of America’s overseas commemorative cemeteries and memorials—honors the service, achievements and sacrifice of U.S. Armed Forces.". Currently the ABMC maintains 25 cemeteries on foreign soil.
On a more personal note, Memorial Day is a reminder of a handful of men whom I have known who have died in the service of their country mostly in times of peace. They were not all close friends but I knew them, served with them and grieve at their loss.
Tom D. (Feb 5, 1990, F-111, UK)
Scott D. (Nov 30, 1992, B-1, Texas)
Eric H. (Feb 3, 1991, B-52, Indian Ocean)
Jon O. (Feb 3, 1991, B-52, Indian Ocean)
Jorge A. (Feb 3, 1991, B-52, Indian Ocean)
Dixon W. (Jan 31, 1991, AC-130, Kuwait)
Nick S. (Sep 20, 1992, T-37, Mississippi)
Ken R. (Sep 20, 1992, T-37, Mississippi)
Grace & Peace