Turkey, Pilgrims, Family, Football & Thanks
This year has really been full of change, turmoil and challenges for our nation, our state, our family and myself personally, but having said that it has also been a year of spiritual growth & blessing.
Our modern tradition of Thanksgiving has evolved from a harvest feast celebrated in the fields of Patuxet by the remaining 50 Puritan Separists (Pilgrims) and about 90 Wampanog men lead by Massasoit in 1621. About 100 Puritan Separists came to North America a year earlier aboard the Mayflower and started their Plymouth colony with a very unique document, the Mayflower Compact. Their first year was filled with hardship, death, change, turmoil and challenges and they still celebrate their harvest and gave thanks to God. A solid foundation for our current tradition.
As I look at my life in America I am so blessed and have so much to thank God for yet I consistently take Gods blessings for granted and more often than not I even think that I have earned the blessings I enjoy.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!