Sunday, March 29, 2009

"Text without ceasing."

"Yes, I love technology But not as much as you, you see
But I still love technology Always and forever"
Napoleon Dynamite (LaFawnduh's song)

I was reminded Saturday morning of just how connected we are in today's world. Most Americans and a large part of the world have access to one or more technologies/services such as telephones, cell phones, satellite phones, e-mail, the Internet, Instant Messaging, text messaging, video conferencing, personal web blogs, and snail-mail (aka U.S. Postal Service). With all this connectedness you almost have to stop and think for a moment....


Why do our kids seem more focused on text messaging, Facebook and Twitter than talking to the person next to them? Why do most adults walk and drive around with a cell phone held to their ear or at least in their possession? Why do many of us walk into our homes and head straight to our computers to check e-mail or our favority web pages? Simply put connectedness.

Connection is comfort.
I think most of us, if we stopped texting long enough to think about it, would admit that being connected to other people provides a degree of comfort and security. Even if we do not enjoy a particular persons company, we can find comfort and/or security from the mere presence of another human.
Connected to God?
"Pray without ceasing." 1 Thess 5:17
In the past I have thought about the verse above and wondered how is it possible to "pray without ceasing". In the past I thought that praying is a serious, formal act and the words have to be just right, etc. Over the years I have grown comfortable with a less formal, still respectful, conversational approach to prayer as I go about my day. I think the way we stay connected with other humans gives us some insight into staying connected with God throughtout our day. Short quick spontaneous conversations with God. Just saying "thank you for...", or "guide me with...", or "please help ..." can keep us connected and serve to remind us of our relationship with God.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

You are a Leader!

"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history. " - Mohandas Gandhi
"A return to first principles in a Republic is sometimes caused by the simple virtues of one man. His good example has such an influence that the good men strive to imitate him, and the wicked are ashamed to lead a life so contrary to his example." - Niccalo Machiavelli
As I listen to and read from various news sources about the current "financial crisis", the new Obama administration, the ongoing politics of our nation, and the world I continue to wonder if I am watching the consequences of gross incompetence coupled with selfish indifference or am I witnessing some masterfully orchestrated conspiracy to weaken and break the United States. I watch events unfold and I ask myself what can one lone citizen do?
I may not get a chance to express my thoughts to President Obama, or craft legislation for the House & Senate but I can start by ensuring that I am embracing and modeling virtuous character traits in my daily life. Leading by example my family, neighbors, coworkers, friends, strangers and enemies. Hey, we are all leading someone whether we realize it or not. I hope I am leading in the right direction.
Silence is not golden. Silence is yellow
"All that is needed for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke

Saturday, March 14, 2009


"Man was never closer to God than when he was in the garden." - Anonymous
"We must cultivate our own garden. When man was put in the garden of Eden he was put there so that he should work, which proves that man was not born to rest. " - Volatire
"Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." - Genesis 1:29

I have enjoyed gardening off and on for most of my adult life and I am always amazed at the power hidden within seeds. Something small, hard, lifeless and yet so full of potential. It is intriguing to consider how seeds are able to grow towards the surface once planted, how their mature adult forms are so very different than the seed they start out as, how their root system & leaves function to keep the plant alive and how beautiful the flowering blooms can be.

Pinkeye PurpleHull (Cowpea) +a penny.
(About 10 days after planting)
About 14 days after planting)

Sunday, March 08, 2009

No Arms, No Legs, No Worries

"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." Phillipians 4:13

"Do not put off the things you can do today!" - Nick Vujicic

What would you do if your child was born without arms, or legs? Just the mere question is frightful enough to me and yet I saw a video clip this morning during services about a young man, Nick Vujicic, and the ministry he has been called to. The sharing of a message of hope and love through Jesus Christ. Nick was born in 1982 and to the surprise of his parents and the doctors attending to his birth Nick was born without arms or legs. His story is quite interesting, inspriring and motivating. There are several good videos on YouTube concerning Nick and his ministries website is which has more details about his story.

So when you see someone with tremendous physical handicaps who has choosen to live out their life to the fullest, someone who has dared to dream big, and who has worked as hard as they are physically able to do so...........all I can do is ask myself a couple of questions....

"What am I complaining about?"

"Am I living out my life fully for God?"

Grace & Peace